Wednesday 29 July 2015

'Inside Out'

When I started this blog, I didn't know how I felt about wanting to do book reviews or movie reviews but after watching one of Disney's latest masterpieces, Inside Out, I have been itching to talk about it to anyone and everyone that will listen. So on the contrary to a previous post I wrote about how Old Disney was so much better (I still stick by that), Disney Pixar seems to have outdone themselves once more. Maybe it's because it was my first time watching the movie and not enough people have watched it yet to class it as being overrated that made it so special for me. It might also have to do with the fact that there were no major songs in the movie that distracted from the plot that intrigued me. 
So aside from the fact that Inside Out animators and creators already had a major leg up above Nina and the Neurons (a British show for kids on Cbeebies that I'm not even sure they air anymore), the opening scene in the movie with 'Joy' could not have been done more beautifully. 

Every aspect and concept of the movie was so well thought so and so colourful and vivid, it genuinely made me wonder about what on Earth goes up in our brains. Without giving much away, the movie entails the idea that our brain contains a HQ (central nervous system if you must for all the biologist freaks out there) and it's controlled by 5 emotions, Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust and Anger, who on a day to day basis drive everything in us from our first laugh to the sass we give our parents. The very thought that's gone into figuring out how the emotions would look like on screen and uplifting things like our long term memory store and subconscious is so well done in the film. It's a perfect coming of age film that has in no way gone out of its way to be 'extra' per say. It flowed so eloquently and I wouldn't mind watching it again and again. 

Though some concepts might be ahead of the kids who this movie is aimed for, it most definitely has the scope for an even better sequel. 
One of my favourite parts in particular had to be the imaginary boyfriend in Riley's (the main character) imagination who looked a little too much like Harry Styles for my liking. What with the messy brown side swept curly hair, the skinny jeans, the brown boots and the good looks, I couldn't help but wonder what my brain would look like according to Inside Out animators. 

Aspects of personality development and friendship and family bonds as well as dreams and nightmares and our 'train of thought' and 'brain freezes' in the literal sense were all touched upon and I've just been so overwhelmed by this film, I can't stop playing the scenes in my head. It even touched upon those God damn annoying tunes that get stuck in our head for days on end and how we forget so many memories from when we we're babies. If anything, you should watch this movie for the light psychology knowledge without the textbooks and case studies. It's genius.

Unlike most Disney movies which are very keen to stress the importance of imagination, Inside Out suggests that leaving your imagination behind is a sign of growing up. I'm not entirely sure about that part in the film but I guess it's a way of authenticating as well as telling children that life isn't over if your thoughts about fairy princesses and rainbow unicorns are lost.
I laughed and cried watching this movie and I don't for once think it's a movie only for children. If you were unsure about this movie, you need to stop whatever you're doing and go and watch it. It's truly and completely worth it. 

1 comment:

  1. You lucky person you finally got to go and see this movie!!! I've been wanting to watch it since I saw the trailers. And yes after seeing that gif i also thought he looks an awful lot like Harry before seeing a tumblr post the other confirming that character was inspired from Harry Styles indeed. Wow. that's both Zarry who inspired cartoon characters.....

    Back to the movie.. your review only wanted me to watch it more. This really is a one of a kind movie for Pixar. I mean who even thought of making a movie to portray the feelings of feelings?? Kinda confusing but genius. All the little puns like brain freeze and all. Cannot wait to watch! - G x
