Tuesday 4 August 2015

I'm no Da Vinci

For as long as I can remember, there's been one thing in my life that I've always been passionate about. When I say passionate, I don't just mean low-key obsessed with or something that I've talked about loads; I mean the kind you dream about day and night from the age of 3 and still secretly wish for it to come true at 18. 
Not the Da Vinci or Picasso kind. 
Just plain and simple drawing and sketching. 
Nevertheless, as much as I'd like to think I've kept my dream alive, I haven't been through nearly as many 2B, 4B, 6B and 8B pencils in my life as I'd like to have done. Alike so many cultures, I've been brought up in one where being a doctor, lawyer or engineer are the only 3 acceptable choices you make in life to be somebody and anybody. Growing up in a western and more open minded country like England, I've always challenged these cultural views and yet at 18, I find myself waiting to go to university to study one of the 3 'desired professions' after all. 
God works in mysterious ways, I'm a firm believer of that. 
Just last week, I was waiting to hear back from a company I was looking to do an industrial placement with for my gap year before going to university next year and much to my dismay, they rejected me (not because I wasn't good enough or anything but due to a few personal circumstances I'd rather not go into detail about). I was very upset as you can imagine. Getting into university next year suddenly began to look very very hard considering I wasn't going to have anything to show in regards to what I did during my gap year. But then I suddenly came across the idea of possibly going into a little business of my own that would involve selling my pile of artwork I've been working on over the past few years. I don't know why I hadn't thought of it earlier or why my brain decided this was the right time to think this up. Whatever it was, I'm  a firm believer in fate and I feel like this was kind of destined.
I'm thankful when I say I think I've finally come up with my own unique style of drawings I enjoy doing. I don't draw faces when I draw and I enjoy working with pens. I also like sketching in heavy detail and doing a lot of shading with my ordinary pens. I like complexity within simplicity in art and well, in the last week I've made myself two separate outlets to sell my works online. Starting this business has given me a new awakening and I get up every morning wondering who else liked my art and what they commented saying. I've been drawing more and more and coming up with ideas to expand my skills and items I can create.
I understand simply sketching and uploading my art to be made into prints isn't going the extra mile. I've recently been watching tutorials on editing softwares and figuring things out for myself to go that little bit further. I feel like anyone can make the most out of the worst of situations if they put their mind to it and no matter how far away you think you are from pursuing what you intend on doing in your heart, it's never going to be unreachable.
Perseverance, hardwork, dedication all seem like really big words on paper but it really is as simple as sticking by what you believe and being patient for the right outcomes.
For anyone that is possibly interested in purchasing prints of my art work, I'll put the links at the bottom of this post. Here are a few of my sketches I'm selling. It's most One Direction fan art (sorry if you're not into that) but I'm taking requests on new things to draw.

My Etsy store (for art prints that I'll be packaging and sending off myself)

My RedBubble store (for phone cases, notebooks, journals, travel mugs, cushions etc)

1 comment:

  1. You're so talented I cannot even put it into words. You seem to be good at anything and everything. And if you're not good at something, which is very rare, you'll keep at it till you're satisfied with yourself. That's what I love you. As well as the perseverance and attitude you have. Life may be hard for you right now but you manage to keep a brave face on and just do you, making the most of what you have. You're an inspiration to me to say the least. I can see you publishing a bestselling autobiography in the future no doubts. You're just amazing. - G x
