
Hi everyone...Welcome to My blog...

The reason I've named it Twi and La is simply because of the well known legend that I've kind of grown an obsession with (feel free to google it if you don't know what I'm on about). In shorthand, it's a cool alternative for calling my blog Yin & Yang.
Twi and La are counterparts to each other. The legend talks about two koi fish trapped in an eternal dance together in the sea or river or wherever they're swimming and they balance each other. Through push and pull.
And it's a metaphor.
Isn't everything?
I stumbled across this pair through some usual tumblr stalking and there began 'Twi and La'.
My best friend and I have often noted to be polar opposites. So much so that we've adapted Twi and La as our own nicknames. I've named this blog 'Twi and La' because almost everything I write about relates to her in one way or another. This is my blog only but she plays a major part in a lot of my thinking and essentially the root of the meaning of 'Twi and La' in my life...
So yeah, cringy stuff aside, if I ever mention an unnamed 'she' or 'her', I'm probably talking about my best friend (whose blog you can also check out here).
Twi and La are opposites of each other. Black and white. And I feel that it's the perfect representation of my thought process a lot of the time. None of us are completely black or white. I'm a firm believer of grey.
I therefore hope you all enjoy reading my non-dichotomous thoughts as much as I have writing them.
T .x
Twi and La

1 comment:

  1. Never going to stop being your other half, resestablishing the balance. - G x
