Tuesday 7 July 2015


Most of us believe in the greater goodness of life. The beauty in oblivion and so on; unless you’re Augustus Waters that is. Dreaming up random objects and stars in the sky, joining stars up in our heads and pretending we’re killer thinkers with fantastic imaginations. We’ve heard of stories about lovers in the sky. Star-crossed lovers. Eternal bliss.
Let’s say for a minute that all of that is complete rubbish.
Let’s talk about how it seems to be more socially acceptable to say you’d be willing to die for someone else, but it’s dubbed a mental issue if you want to die for yourself. Romeo and Juliet have been fucking legends for eras after eras of pubescent human beings who’ve had no idea how precious life is. Their story was and is considered romantic. And yet when it comes to the idea of wanting to die for yourself, because the world you’ve been living in causes you so much pain, you’re suddenly a suicidal psychopath. You’re in need of treatment. And the only romance in suicide is the idea of a knight in shining armour coming and kissing your scars away.
The ‘insane’ aren’t the ones in need of treatment. Those kids who believe in dying for some godforsaken ‘soul mate’ who’d fuck all their troubles away are the ones that do.
The reason why things like suicide are such a big issue in our society today is because of this same kind of ignorance and misjudgement of priorities. Because crying yourself to sleep for that boy that broke your heart even though you were supposed to make it till you both died is a bigger problem than the girl with her hands trembling while she overdoses on all those pills.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some sort of anti-love warrior or anything. I’m all for it.
But with in a generation where Twilight, 50 Shades of Grey and After are considered notable literature where such authors are prepared to romanticise just about anything and everything, it’s important we step back and think a little.
Let’s be honest, the boy next door doesn’t exist. He’s probably a ‘fuckboy’ for all you know. Don’t fall into such stupid stereotypes and forget what’s real. That boy is just a ‘metaphor’.
Love yourself and those that mean something to you.


  1. I've never thought about it that way. That's a very good point you have brought. If only more people thought like this. - G x

  2. You bring such interesting thoughts to the table...I love the idea behind this one. xx
