Sunday 12 July 2015

Old Disney vs New Disney

I get it. The world today is just a giant playground for hipsters and so called ‘individuals’ to step away from the majority and all pretend to be Katniss Everdeen’s and Tris Prior’s at every given opportunity presented to them. Everything is about going against the norm, defiance, reality checks and so on. Everyone is busy jumping down on each other’s throats for racism, homophobia, sexism, cultural appropriation and every other Godforsaken thing that’s wrong with the people on this planet. Everything is serious. Everything is overrated. Everyone hates everything.
Well, not quite.
You see, in the late 1920s, an amazing man named Walt Disney decided that despite being told he wasn’t good enough, he was going to go ahead with inventing a cartoon character that went on to become the most famous animated character in the world. Mickey Mouse. We all know the Walt Disney story. Rejection. Rejection. Rejection. Mickey Mouse. Invention of Disney. Disneyworld. World domination. Etc. Etc.

We got Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Bambi, Lady and the Tramp, Pocahantas...
And then came Frozen.
Let me just say, despite all the hysteria, the billion dollars this movie made for Disney along with that ridiculously catchy theme song, I’m pretty sure Walt Disney would’ve taken no for an answer the first time around if he ever found out some idiot was actually going to publish ‘Frozen’ under his company’s name. Not to mention the fact that Tangled was a way better film anyway in all aspects.
Yes, Frozen was the first Disney film that told the story of the love between two sisters and yes it showed kids that you didn’t always need Prince Charming to come and sweep you off your feet but maybe I want to marry a man I’ve just met, Elsa? What’s your problem? It’s been 5 years and I’m still very much in love with Harry Styles from the day I met him (saw him on my TV screen) I'll have you know, so you can take your pompous, good for nothing, cold hearted, amazing and to die for ice queen dress and bugger off to ice land for all I care.

I’m an old fashioned girl. I want my kids growing up the way I did. Watching movies about princesses who had to be home by midnight, take care of 7 dwarves, make a beast understand what love was and kiss a frog. I want them to at least be given the chance of escapism from the bitter truth of the world and be assured for those brief childhood years that Prince Charming exists. I want them to understand that they should never settle for a man who treats them anything less than a princess.

When the time is right, they’ll learnt to ‘let it go’ themselves. They won’t need to hear it from some bitch who has no problem in setting a giant ice monster after her own sister and isolating herself to live in a castle where the cold doesn’t bother her.
I want Aladdin to still be able to teach kids the importance of being yourself and not lying about who you are to impress others, even if it is Princess Jasmine. I want Rafiki to tell kids about the circle of life. I want Timon and Pumba to show kids that some people are raised by two dads (dad like figures even because Simba was practically their son).

And in all fairness, I like my cartoons animated the proper way where the stories are hand drawn. Not with CGI.
Disney Pixar with movies like Finding Nemo and Toy Story has opened a whole new venture for Disney but I just can’t help but feel the disconnection between the movies and the audience. Kids of the new generation will never know what proper Disney movies are supposed to be like. Disney to them is pictures of Anna and Elsa on their damn lunchboxes. Disney to them is a trip to Disneyworld and taking pictures with Buzz Lightyear. Disney to them is thinking Olaf is the funniest thing to have ever happened to this universe when they clearly haven’t seen the Genie from Aladdin.

They’ll never know about the bare necessities in the jungle or a whole new world on the magic carpet. They won’t know why life is better under the sea. They won’t know that Cinderella’s real name was just Ella. They won’t know that the Lion King was just a rip off version of Hamlet because the closest thing to Shakespeare in the days of Disney now is Gnomeo and Juliet.
So, I guess what I’m trying to say is that the new Disney movies mostly all suck despite having made me cry just as much as every other movie I’ve ever watched in my life (yes, I even cried watching the Simpsons Movie).
The original and old Disney movies always have and always will be better than the new CGI rip-offs even if my best friend disagrees with me. However, alike the new Disney movies, she mostly also sucks all the time so she really isn’t a problem to my list of arguments.

What do you guys think of the new(er) Disney movies?

1 comment:

  1. This probably has to be my fabourite post so far out of all your ones on this blog. I completely understand.. Why can't children be children for once? Have the chance to dream and be innocent? This is becoming ever more important in this day and age when every 3 year old has an iPad and exposed to more mature things at such a young age... I'm seeing the effects and I was born in the late 90s. I can only imagine how it'll be when I have my own children. Sometimes things should just remain as they are. You know what they say.. Old is gold. - G x
